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When you have questions regarding delivery times, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We offer Tax-Free shopping for non-EU countries. Please note that purchasing from outside the EU might be charged with additional tax and customs charges.
Sparco Wheels ist eine Hommage an die Welt des Rennsports, in der OZ tief verwurzelt ist. In bester Rennsporttradition ist das Laufrad mit 10 Speichen konstruiert, ein Stil, der von Rennfahrern als „technisch“ bezeichnet wird.
We highly value our passion for cars and therefore also understand your wishes when you shop for Automotive Parts. With our services, we will always listen to what you want and anticipate on it to create be best match possible.
Our team ensures that the products we sell are up to the highest standards. We combine our professions in the Automotive industry with our passion for cars so that we exactly know what we have to deliver to create the perfect product experience.